Archive | January 2016

Winner, Winner, Chili Dinner

I won a chili contest!!!! You cannot believe how excited I am to have won. I very rarely win anything. I think the last time I won was in 1992. I was the right caller into a radio station to win a Phantom of the Opera CD and  T-shirt. Seriously.

I’ve been reading PreventionRD for the last year or so. The recipes look very interesting, but I really enjoy reading about the life of an RD. It sort of gives me a glimpse of what I’m getting myself into and hope that I will be able to balance everything. I haven’t figured how to balance everything yet, but I have hope it will happen.


Happy new year! I hope your new year is better than the last.

I had YarnKettle over for New Years and was reminded that I haven’t updated in a while. It was nice to have people over for New Years. I’ve been a bit of a hermit during the semester. Every second of free time was spent either with the Husband and OP or doing homework. I did see my college besties a couple times, which was awesome, but I missed my non-school friends more than I realized. I need all my friends to stay sane. Or sane-ish.

At least I’m finished with my first semester of the internship. Wait, let me rephrase. I survived my first semester of the internship. Yay! It was tough, but so amazing. It confirmed that I am following the right path for me. I loved each rotation. I may not have enjoyed every location or every task, but I absolutely loved what I did each day. Next semester is 10 weeks at a hospital. I’m a bit scared, but it will be good.

Wow, I sound way too sappy, but I’ll take it. I’d rather be sappy than crying my eyes out.